Vote For A Better Tomorrow


A New Plan for
Jobs & Wealth Creation

My fellow Ghanaians, brothers and sisters, It is with immense humility and gratitude that I share with you the great news that I am running for the highest office in the land. I do so because I am led by a sincere believe and evident fact that the great people of Ghana need a kind of leadership that will take us all into a great future. 


Our Indomitable strength is in our diversity.

Over the years, though we have seen our many failings,we have most importantly, failed to see and capitalize on our numerous strengths. Our indomitable strength is in our diversity. Ours is a nation where our many natural resources of cocoa, gold, timber, bauxite, diamonds, oil and gas though equally important, cannot be compared to our major and most important resource; our people. But what do we see? our young men and women being wasted roaming on the streets without any hope.


Aspiring MPs







Liberal Party of Ghana